Tsuyoshi Shimamura
StartTime: Sat 13 January 2018 9:00 am
Tsuyoshi Shimamura was a live-in apprentice of the late Japanese Acupuncture Master, Kiyoshi Nagano, in the final years of Master Nagano's life. Master Nagano was renowned in Japan for his amazing clinical results. Nagano was also the Master of the well-known Master Acupuncturist, Kiiko Matsumoto, who through her extensive teaching worldwide made Master Nagano's theories, techniques and insights available to the Western world.
Shimamura has conducted a number of seminars in Australia with Qiology in previous years to teach his effective and gentle acupuncture approach, and continue Master Nagano's legacy. Utilising his methods, hundreds of practitioners in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the US, and other areas of the world are getting great clinical results.
During Shimamura's teaching visits to Australia, he regularly presents Special Topics seminars that allow rapid learning of theory and treatment methods/techniques that can be utilised for outstanding results in the clinic instantly, and require no prerequisite studies in his methods. What you learn, you will be able to apply the next day in clinic to improve your clinical results.
This particular Special Topics Seminar is being offered to the profession in 2018, as effectively treating all female conditions whilst treating constitutionally is an essential component in the modern Acupuncturist’s clinical repertoire. This seminar will provide you with the means to treat on a deep constitutional level whilst treating female physiology at all stages of life.
“This seminar is a unique opportunity to learn Shimamura Sensei’s clinically effective constitutional approaches to treating female physiology in all stages of life. Attendees will learn diagnostic and treatment methods to regulate gynaecological conditions and boost fertility as well as how to treat throughout pregnancy, post-partum conditions and menopausal disorders. A great chance to rapidly develop your diagnostics and treatment skills for this important patient demographic.”
Peter Scarselletti | Director of Qiology
Menarche to Menopause: Unique Japanese Acupuncture Strategies for Female Physiology: Menstruation | Fertility | Pregnancy | Post-Partum | Menopause
Brisbane, Sat 13th – Sun 14th January 2018 (2 days)
Approved by Acupuncture NZ for 16 Formal CPD points
- Practitioner Rate: AUD$550 Inc GST
- Student Rate: AUD$495 Inc GST
Please see flyer below for details or email info@qiology.com.au or call +61 405 044 576.
Full, comprehensive seminar information and curriculum available here:
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