This 5-day residential course will be held at Bell

StartTime: Fri 09 February 2018 7:00 am
Location: Auckland

Friday 9th February to Tuesday 13th February 2018.

Early bird price pay before 1 November 2017 $650 9-13th February 2018


General price $750 9-13th February 2018


To secure your early bird price register online at

pay into Kiwibank account 38-9018-0834443-00

Course benefits:
Our guest teachers are Masters Lu and Ling, teachers of worldwide repute, both having trained in the 1990s directly with Pang Ming, the founder of this system. They reside in China but teach internationally.  Zhineng Qigong is the most widely practiced form of qigong in the world.  It is a comprehensive system that is easy to learn and practice and can bring powerful healing effects.   

This is a wonderful opportunity for acupuncturists to cultivate their own qi and health, and develop their ability to sense and work with qi with their clients. Having a regular practice of qigong and combining acupuncture with qigong healing will strengthen you as an acupuncturist and enhance treatment outcomes. As acupuncturists, the key ingredient for assisting others in their healing process is qi. In order to be truly effective, acupuncturists must always be working on their understanding of qi.  

The course is suitable for beginners through to advanced qigong students and anyone with an interest in deepening their understanding and practice of qigong.

CPD hours
We have planned that the course will run from Starting on 9th February 2018 arrivals from 4.00pm with a meal at 6.00pm followed by healing. Then 7am to 8.30pm for 3 days, on 13th February the last day will finish at 5.50pm.

Approved by Acupuncture NZ for 32 hours of CPD.

Outline of Course Content
1.     Zhineng Qigong Theory.
2.     Adjust body, qi and shen to improve one's own physical and mental state.
3.     Practice experiencing the feeling of external qi and learn to gather and send qi for healing.
4.     Learn/practice Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down to enhance one's qi and better sense and direct qi in self and others.
5.     Learn/practice methods to free up blockages and improve the flow of qi and blood in the body.
6.     Learn/practice how to build a qi field for healing and good health.
7.     Learn how to better relax the mind and body.
8.     Learn how to concentrate the mind and use it to heal.
9.     Learn (from a qigong perspective) how to live more in the present moment and experience a state of pure consciousness.

For additional information see :  Qigong-healing-and-movement-meditation-retreat-9-to-13-Feb-19.pdf