Eric Wang

StartTime: Sat 26 January 2019 6:30 pm
Location: Auckland

Dear members, 

Our next seminar will be held on 26th January 2019 (Saturday) from 6.30pm-9.45pm. (3 CPD Hours) at NZCCM Level 1, 321 Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland. This seminar is speaking in English.

Topic: The Theory & Application of  Eric Wang’s Zang-Fu Holographic Acupuncture Method   

 (in English.)

Presenter: Eric Wang    

Fees: NZCMAS Practice Member: $20.00; NON-NZCMAS Member: $40.00; NZCMAS Student Member: $5.00; All other current student: $10.00


Please make payment directly to:  NZCMAS ASB 12-3016-0548824-00 and make clear notes as follows:

Particulars  NZCMAS or society name you enrolled;

Reference  Your society/college registered nameCode  26.01 

CPD Certificate will be issued upon both your payment and attendance,no certificate for none attendance sign-on and the payment would be kept for NZCMAS next seminar. We will not process any refund if no attendance for the second seminar. 


学会将于1月26号周 六晚上6.30pm-9.45pm在新西兰中医学院举办3个小时的英学术讲座。


主讲人: 王信宜中醫師

费用:NZCMAS会员: $20.00; 其他学会会员: $40.00; NZCMAS学生会员: $5.00; 其他在读学生: $10.00

报名及付款方式:请将讲座费用直接付款到:  NZCMAS ASB 12-3016-0548824-00 ,在Particulars一栏里注明:NZCMAS或你所在学会名称:Reference一栏里注明: ”学会/学校的注册名字“ 在Code一栏里注明:”26.01”. 讲座当天请签到。

CPD 证书的签发是依据已付款项和实到签名来发放; 未签名者,不予发放CPD证书, 费用可以保留至参加协会的下次讲座,下次仍没有参加,没有CPD证书,费用不退。



Please contact NZCMAS by E-mail: or by phone: 09-5800232 after 1:30pm on Wednesday and Friday during the week.