Dr Jessica Li Feng

StartTime: Sat 29 September 2018 6:30 pm
Location: Auckland

NZ Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Society presents:

Time; 6.30pm to 9.45pm

Approved by Acupuncture NZ for 3 hours CPD

Language; English

Location NZCCM, Level 1, 321 Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland

Fees: NZCMAS Members $20.00 Non Members $40 NZCMAS Students $5 other students $10

Registration: Please make payment to NZCMAS ASB 12 3016 0548824 00 Ref "your name" + 29/09.

CPD Certificate will be issued after attending the seminar.

Contact Email nzcmas@chinesemedicine.org.nz or 09 580 0232