Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai

StartTime: Sat 25 May 2019 8:30 am
Location: Christchurch

Introduction to an easy way to finally resolve 'hard cases' . .
Hands on 2 Day Experiential workshop


Part 1 -  Reconnecting-Bao-and-Dai-Mai-3.pdf

Esp. looking at past wounds/incidents/operations and how we as acupuncturists can use meridian theory, using advanced clinical applications from many cultures to undo what lies beneath.

When: 25-26th May

Where: 'The Stables' 22 Canterbury St, Lyttleton

Time:  08.30 - 5:00PM 

(Repeated Brisbane 8/9 June)

Focussing on life residue - and how it is stored within the 8 Extras, clearing shock/trauma/energy blockages including adhesions, scars, and going into visceral displacement and uterine repositioning.

What you can expect

1 - A weekend of practical working on each other in love and fun - and maybe through tears.

2 - A return to elder medicine - what all did know and practice prior to engaging outsiders -  revived here via Heather's decades of searching.

(What do we do when what should 'work' does not?) 

3 - Hands on ways to undo lymph, ligaments and general body dis-ease . . 

4 - Perineal steaming, all sorts of other adventures allied to releasing what has held the average body unable to take up the needling - we move viscera about by releasing the Reichian armour bands gently .  

5 - Extensive scar focus - only sometimes actually needling the place the body was disconnected. 


Your open mind/heart and courage.

 On receipt of full payment ($A450) you get to start on the pre course work.

Instantly - you, your family and your clinical results will all benefit. 

Acupuncture NZ has approved 13 hours CPD

What's included:

Upon receipt of payment you will receive the pre course  - Online Training

3 components:

1 - The Healing Power of Touch - Allowing the gentle lymph (think 'Damp/Phlegm') and Qi moving self-help to infiltrate your personal, your family and then your clinical life. A wonderfully effective homework tool for all you see in clinic. 

2 - Love Yourself Better - A set of eBooks and posters explaining the need for the Three Heater to work well - and why it no longer does - this sets your own clinic up with resources to share about - as Heather's 40 years of teaching holistic hands-on acupuncture and her personal multi-modality questing for excellence has lead her into creating education tools for all who seek assistance - self empowerment being vital in this time of 'old wives tales' loss. 

3 - Foundational Moves  - All she has been teaching hands-on - from the start of a session (minus needles) for decades - the cupping out of the cold, extensive and different moxa use and prostatic drainage as the start of undoing men's substantial (and up till now) ignored structural and pelvic issues. (Their 'uterus' - the prostate is in Heather's spotlight now).

Best wishes, 

Heather Bruce

Transformative Energy Body Worker
Founder of Heather's Gentling Way

Accredited Mercier therapist
Arvigo® /Maya Self Care teacher,
Certificated and Pregnancy Arvigo® worker

10 Kitchener St, Coorparoo, 4151, (Brisbane) AU

(07) 3899 2274