'Truth in Action’

StartTime: Tue 17 March 2020 6:30 pm
Location: Christchurch

Shannon Gilmore will present 

A global conversation on the climate crisis and how we can try to solve it. 

Shannon is a volunteer Climate Reality Leader trained by former Vice President Al Gore who will be presenting climate challenges and solutions specific to Christchurch.

She has volunteered with the climate action space for over a decade, and is currently working with Generation Zero (youth led climate action). 

With a Masters in Conservation from Lincoln University she believes that solving the complexity of the intersecting issues of the climate crisis must be holistic and just. 

This event is a chance for us to listen to what’s happening globally and discuss how we as acupuncturists can respond to this climate emergency within our local communities. 

Our medicine teaches us that everything is interconnected and that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm 

What we do as individuals and as acupuncturists matters! 

Come and join the discussion.

Location: Upper Riccarton Library , 71 Main South Road, Sockburn, Christchurch 6.30 pm  to 9.00pm

Robin Kerr President Acupuncture NZ email: robin.kerr@zhengqi.co.nz