《難經》選講(三) Lecture for selecting points of Nan
StartTime: Tue 23 October 2018 7:30 pm
7-2,學說 Theories:
7-3,病證 Diseases:
講者:矢建國 博士 Speaker: Dr. Joseph Shih
語言:中文,英文摘要 Language: Chinese,English summary
時間 Time: 23/10/2018,7:30pm-9:30pm。( 地點:新西兰针灸中医学院
Venue: 382c Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland.---New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
費用Cost: Acupuncture NZ member $5.00 or $20 for non- member
連絡人Contact: Wechat helenli 551188
希望大家踊跃参加。No booking needed. Please just come.