For qualified acupuncturists
StartTime: Sun 29 March 2020 9:00 am
Location: Wellington
The Acupuncture Now Foundation New Zealand is very happy to bring to you this outstanding workshop with Claudia Citkovitz and Kate Levett.
The ‘Acupuncture Induction Points’ Large Intestine-4, Spleen-6 and Bladder-32 are often used indiscriminately, without regard for patients’ underlying situation – leading in some cases to lack of effect, and in other cases potentially contributing to a suboptimal labour course with membrane rupture or slow progress due to unripe cervix. This 4-hour class provides participants with a clear framework for the relationship of Chinese constitutional type and Western landmarks in labour preparation and initiation.
In the afternoon Claudia will be joined by Kate Levett from Australia and will provide tips for the involvement of partners in the birth process. They will also share their pearls of wisdom gleaned over many years of working in this field.
Acupuncturists may wish to attend this workshop as well as "Yin Birth, Yang Birth" on Saturday 28th March. A reduced rate is available for those registering for both days.